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Multiple-choice questions- Cancers
Q.1- Enzymes of which type are responsible for converting Pro carcinogens to Ultimate carcinogens?
a) Cytochrome P 450 enzyme system
b) Hydrolase
c) Transferases
d) Acetylases
e) Polyamine oxidases
Q.2- Which of the following is the most commonly mutated oncogene in cancer?
a) p53
b) abl
c) ras
d) myc
Q.3- A 23-year-old woman is seen for a lump in her breast that she palpated on self beast examination. History reveals that her mother and her aunt both had breast and ovarian cancer. Given this presentation, you suspect the patient may have a mutation in which of the following genes involved in DNA repair?
a) BRCA-1
b) ras
c) bcl-2
d) p 53
e) Rb
Q.4- A 47 -year- old man, with no known family history of cancer, develops changes in his bowel habits, including occasional blood in his stools. Colonoscopy and biopsy confirm the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the colon. Furthermore, the tumor is found to have a mutation in the ras protein. Which of the following best describes the protein?
a) A non-receptor tyrosine kinase
b) A nuclear transcription factor
c) A receptor kinase
d) A GTP binding protein
e) A polypeptide growth factor
Q.5- A 56-year-old woman is recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She undergoes a lumpectomy and a lymph node dissection, which shows that there are tumor cells that have migrated to the lymph nodes. He oncologist recommends chemotherapy including an agent that inhibits the provision of folic acid which is required for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines. Which of the following agents should be the drug of the first choice?
a) Cyclophosphamide
b) Busulfan
c) Methotrexate
d) Etoposide
e) Vinblastin
Q.6- A 53-year-old man presents to the physician complaining of unwellness and easy fatigue. The doctor orders a routine set of tests, which demonstrates a white blood cell count of 85,000/ml. (Normal 3,000- 10,000/ml). Molecular studies suggest that he has chronic myelogenous leukemia. Chromosomal translocation is responsible for this disease. Which of the following translocations is associated with this disorder?
a) t( 8;14)
b) t (14;18)
c) t (11;14)
d) t (9;22)
e) t (15;17)
Q.7- A 78-year-old male was brought to an emergency with difficulty in passing urine and weight loss. The attending urologist suspected carcinoma prostate. Which of the following molecular marker would help in the confirmation of diagnosis?
a) Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
b) Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)
c) Tissue-specific antigen
d) Alkaline phosphatase
e) Acid phosphatase
Q.8- A 23-year-old man was diagnosed with metastatic liver disease. The grain storage facility outside his house was contaminated with aflatoxin B. In addition which of the following might act as a co carcinogen in the development of a patient’s cancer?
a) Human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1)
b) Hepatitis B virus
c) Asbestos
d) Epstein Barr virus
e) Aniline dyes
Q.9- An 82-year-old woman presented to her primary care physician with a 10-year history of episodic confusion and somnolence. The episodes occurred about twice a year, typically in the morning, just after waking. They lasted minutes and were relieved when she ate her breakfast or had juice. Her admission laboratory value of glucose level was 36 mg/dl and plasma insulin was highly raised. What is the possible diagnosis for this patient?
a) Hypothyroidism
b) Hypopituitarism
c) Diabetes mellitus
d) Von Gierke’s disease
e) Insulinoma.
Q.10- A 54-year-old postmenopausal woman, presented to an internist for the care of hot flashes that had returned 2 years after menopause. The symptoms occurred mostly after meals, when she drank wine, or when she went running. There was a history of hypertension and frequent diarrhea also. The 24-hour urine levels of 5-HIAA (5-hydroxy indole acetic acid), a breakdown product of serotonin was found to be highly elevated. What is the probable diagnosis for this patient?
a) Pheochromocytoma
b) Carcinoid tumor
c) Hartnup disease
d) Hyperpituitarism
e) Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland
Key to answers
1) -a, 2)- c, 3)- a, 4)- d, 5)-c, 6)-d 7)-e, 8)-b,9)- e,10)-b