Metabolism of Glycogen, Glycogen storage diseases and Diabetes mellitus- Solved MCQs
- January 29, 2020
- Posted by: Namrata Chhabra
- Category: Learning resources Library Metabolism of Carbohydrates Multiple choice questions Multiple-choice questions
Q.1- Which of the following is an important glycogen storage site?
A) Adipose tissue
B) Cardiac muscle
C) Spleen
D) Kidney
E) Liver.
Q.2- Which of the following is an active form of glucose to initiate the process of glycogenesis?
A) Adenosyl Glucose
B) UDP glucose
C) AMP Glucose
D) Glucose-6-Phosphate
E) Glucose-1-P
Q.3- Choose the correct statement describing the role of branching in the structure of Glycogen-
A) Branching provides compaction
B) Branching increases the solubility
C) Branching increases the rate of glycogen synthesis and degradation
D) Branching takes place after every 4-6 glucose residues
E) Branching is carried out by Glycogen synthase enzyme.
Q.4- Glycogen synthase is highly active under the conditions of :
A) Excess glycogen stores
B) Starvation
C) High-fat feeding
D) High carbohydrate feeding
E) Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Q.5- Which of the following is not an enzyme involved in glycogen degradation?
A) Glucose-6-phosphatase
B) Phosphorylase
C) Phosphoglucomutase
D) Amylo (1-4) to (1-6) Glucan transferase
E) Amylo (1-4) to (1-4) Glucan transferase
Q.6- What is the net energy output when glucose obtained through the action of phosphorylase on glycogen is oxidized anaerobically through glycolysis?
A) 4 ATP
B) 2 ATP
C) 3 ATP
D) 8 ATP
E) 38 ATP
Q.7- Which of the following enzymes of glycogen degradation uses phosphate for cleavage of the glycosidic bond?
A) Phosphorylase
B) Glucose-6-phosphatase
C) Debranching enzyme
D) Phosphoglucomutase
E) All of the above.
Q.8- Von Gierke’s disease is characterized by the deficiency of which of the following enzymes?
A) Phosphorylase
B) Glucose-6-phosphatase
C) Debranching enzyme
D) Phosphoglucomutase
E) Branching enzyme
Q.9- Mc Ardle’s syndrome causes muscle cramps and muscle fatigue with increased muscle glycogen. Which of the following enzymes is deficient?
A) Hepatic hexokinase
B) Muscle phosphorylase
C) Muscle debranching enzyme
D) Muscle hexokinase
E) Muscle phosphofructokinase
Q.10- Which of the following enzymes generates free glucose during the breakdown of glycogen in skeletal muscle?
A) Phosphorylase
B) α-1-6-amyloglucosidase
C) Debranching enzyme
D) Glucose 6-phosphatase
E) Phosphoglucomutase
Q.11- Which of the following enzymes of glycogen metabolism is absent in the skeletal muscle?
A) Phosphorylase
B) α-1-6-amyloglucosidase
C) Debranching enzyme
D) Glucose 6-phosphatase
E) Phosphoglucomutase
Q.12- An 8-year-old child has been brought to an emergency room with dehydration, acidotic breathing, and increased appetite from the past few weeks. The child has been diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis. Which of the following biomolecules is the most likely precursor of ketone bodies?
A) Acetyl CoA
B) Propionyl CoA
C) Succinyl CoA
D) Citrate
E) Oxaloacetate.
Q.13- Which of the following is the best predictor of the glycemic status of an individual with long-standing diabetes mellitus?
A) Fasting blood glucose
B) Plasma insulin level
C) C-Peptide level
D) HbA1c level
E) Glucose tolerance test
Q.14- The major cause of hyperglycemia in type 2 Diabetes mellitus is-
A) Autoi-mmune destruction of beta cells of the pancreas
B) Insulin resistance
C) Overactivity of alpha cells of the pancreas
D) Insulin resistance followed by insulin secretory defect
E) All of the above.
Q.15- Which of the following is not a laboratory finding in Diabetic ketoacidosis?
A) Hyperglycemia
B) Glycosuria
C) Ketonuria
D) Low pH
E) High bicarbonate
Q.16- Which of the following complications is not observed in type 1 DM?
A) Lactic acidosis
B) Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
C) Hypoglycemia
D) Microalbuminuria
E) Retinopathy
Q.17- Which of the following is an absolute contraindication of the Glucose tolerance test?
A) Family H/O DM
B) Blood glucose high but no symptoms
C) Long-standing DM
D) Renal glycosuria
E) Gestational DM
Q.18- All are true of clinical manifestations of Von Gierke’s disease except :
A) Short stature
B) Xanthomas
C) Gouty arthritis
D) Visual impairment
E) Protuberant abdomen
Q.19- Which of the following is the most important cause of complications in DM?
A) Sorbitol formation
B) Glycation of tissue proteins
C) Oxidative stress
D) All of the above
E) None of the above.
Q.20- Which of the following is not a cause of hyperglycemia?
A) Hypothyroidism
B) Pancreatitis
C) Hypercorticism
D) Hyperadrenalism
E) Viral infections.
Q.21- Which of the following is not a diabetes-prone state?
A) Impaired fasting glycemia
B) Impaired glucose tolerance
C) Gestational diabetes mellitus
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.
Key to answers 1)- E, 2)- B, 3)- C, 4)- D, 5)- D, 6)- C, 7)- A, 8)- B, 9)- B, 10)-B, 11)- D, 12)- A, 13)- D, 14)-D,15)-E, 16)-B, 17)- C, 18)- D, 19)- D, 20)-D, 21)-E
Author:Namrata Chhabra

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